Dentist Cincinnati Awareness of Gum Disease

Dentist in Cincinnati OH on Periodontal Problems

Your dentist in Cincinnati OH has treated many patients with gum disease. They know how dangerous gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, can be for your oral health. It is important to seek advice from your dentist in Cincinnati OH if you see signs of gum disease.


What is gum disease?


Gum disease is inflammation of the gums and is usually caused by plaque and poor dental care. It can progress to the bones supporting your teeth if not treated early. It may be required to have your teeth extracted due to gum disease, and if the disease is at a progressed stage, your teeth may fall out on their own.


How do I know if I have gum disease?


There are many signs that may mean you have gum disease. It is important to take notice of certain symptoms and to see a dentist.


The following are signs that you should look out for:

  • Gums that are red, puffy or swollen, or tender
  • Gums that bleed during brushing or flossing
  • Teeth that look longer because your gums have receded
  • Gums that have separated, or pulled away, from your teeth, creating a pocket
  • Changes in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
  • Pus coming from between your teeth and gums
  • Constant bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth


The earliest occurrence of gum disease is referred to as gingivitis. Typically patients with gingivitis will experience bleeding of the gums after brushing and flossing. At this stage it is still early enough to reverse the damage.


The next stage is referred to as Periodontitis. At this stage the bones supporting the teeth are irreversibly damaged. Pockets may begin to form below the gum line, and food particles and plaque are likely to get trapped in them. It is important to ask your dentist how to prevent your gums from being damaged any further.


If the disease advances past the point of periodontitis, it is referred to as advanced periodontitis. At this stage the fibers and bone supporting the teeth are destroyed which may result in your teeth shifting, loosening, and possibly even falling out.


If you think you may have any form of gum disease, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist in Cincinnati OH by calling (513) 385-8482 to schedule an appointment. The earlier gum disease is discovered and treated, the more of a chance you have of reversing the damage!